
Because of my interest in healthcare reform, I have written a number of commentaries in response to articles written elsewhere or news of government action. More information about these editorials can be found here.

The Medical Loss Ratio

Discussions of the “Medical Loss Ratio” tend to reflect a sense that everything not spent by a Health Insurer on medical care is profit. A much more nuanced approach is needed to understand the complex functioning of a Health Insurance company.

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Will Physicians Flee Healthcare?

Will doctors leave medicine in droves due to the “Obamacare” law? The alarmist position is examined and refuted in this editorial response.

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Evidence Based Medicine & the Public

A 2010 article in Health Affairs explores the public’s understanding of the term “Evidence-Based Medicine.” The results are not encouraging for informed dialog about appropriate medical care.

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Advisory Board for Formation of Cooperative Plans

Cooperative insurance plans are still insurance plans. One would have hoped for some level of expertise in insurance on an advisory board dedicated to helping such plans to form and succeed.

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The Public Option

One of the “fixes” proposed for the Public Option program under the ACA was to have the Public Option plans use the existing Medicare network of providers and Medicare pricing. This is a tempting solution that will destabilize the whole health insurance arena.

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Tort Fixing

Everyone is talking about Tort Reform. Medical malpractice premiums are soaring. Settlements and awards are up. Doctors are leaving high risk states. Medical facilities are closing.

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The Healer Speaks at a Wedding

Malesh, the healer first met in “A Visit from the Healer,” returns to offer wisdom at a wedding party, wisdom gained by the understanding of a metaphor.

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A Visit From the Healer

The story of Malesh, “the Healer,” is a metaphoric statement about what truly “holistic” medical care might look like. It was originally published in the Western Journal of Medicine in June, 1980.

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